Preparation for IIA

Table of contents
- Part II engineering options
- Introduction to the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos (MET)
- Overseas exchanges
Part II engineering options
In Easter term, all second year students will be required to indicate their third year course preference (eg IIA, MET IIA, CSP, NUS) and to make a provisional choice of Part IIA modules by the end of Easter Full Term. Those students continuing to IIA will be able to change their module selection at the start of the following Michaelmas and Lent terms. Note: Students planning to take MET or go on an exchange also need to choose a set of IIA modules as their 'back-up' option.
Full details can be found in the Part IIA Options document.
The session will be delivered by a webinar starting at 2pm on the 20th Feb. In this session, representatives of each of the Engineering areas will be present to answer any questions you may have.
A timetable of talks about the Part II options is available on-line.
Each Division has been asked to provide a short video presentation this can be found on the Choosing IIA options Moodle site.
Professor Durrell will give a brief introduction to IIA at the start of the session.
Introduction to the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos (MET)
MET is an option for the final two years of the Cambridge Engineering degree that develops and applies engineering knowledge in a business context. MET aims to prepare students to operate professionally as broadly-based leaders for business and technology, by giving them a thorough grounding in management and manufacturing technology, together with an understanding of the full range of activities from market analysis through product design and production, to sales and distribution.
In MET IIA, students take ten modules covering the following areas:
- Materials processing technology
- Production machines and systems
- Design
- Operations management
- Industrial engineering
- Organisational behaviour
- Managing people and business
- Financial and management accounting
- Industrial economics, strategy and governance
- Contemporary issues in manufacturing
The modules are complemented by a structured set of industrial visits and a business skills development programme. In addition, students undertake three pieces of integrated coursework, which are a CAD/CAM exercise, a Production Game and the Major Project. Students work on the Major Project in small groups. They research the market for a product, prepare a design and manufacturing plan, and finally a business plan, for a company or division based on that product. The Major Project involves external consultants, and each group is advised on its business plan by a local bank manager.
The MET IIA programme provides the foundations for MET IIB, where the core topics of manufacturing and management are expanded and applied. MET IIB represents a substantial departure from the standard university timetable and approach. Modules and practical activities run in sequence, with a module typically lasting one week. Teaching in the modules is seminar based, to encourage interaction and participation. Industrial speakers supplement the theory, with examples from practice. Throughout the year, students get to apply the principles through company-based project work.
How to find out more
The MET website contains full information about the course. T
Advance notification: The MET group will hold MET recruitment open afternoon in May at the Institute for Manufacturing to explain the course to interested students (and staff). Refreshments will be served and MET staff and current students will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. Full details can be found on the MET recuitment Moodle page.
How to apply
The number of places is limited to 40 p.a., and selection is based on interview and previous academic performance. Students who are interested in taking the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos for their third and fourth years should visit the MET website, download and complete the application form and email it to the MET Office deadlines given on the MET website. Interviews for MET will take place after the IB examinations.
Overseas exchanges
Applications are invited to participate in exchanges with either the CentraleSuperlec or the National University of Singapore. Note that a minimum standard of French will be required for participation in the CentraleSuperlec exchange.
For both exchanges students will need to submit a completed application form, a reference form and a 1-2 page Curriculum Vitae to their College Referee (DoS), for further information see the Part IIA student exchange overview.
Last updated on 13/02/2024 11:53