Undergraduate Teaching 2023-24

University-wide surveys

University-wide surveys

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Every year you may be asked to participate in one University-wide survey.  The surveys allow the University to compare your experiences with those of students in other departments and other universities.

As this is a national survey the questions may not be an ideal fit for the Cambridge context, e.g. much of the feedback that you’ll receive on your performance will be via the supervision system so please consider this in your responses. See the Department's statement on assessment types & expectations for further info.

All responses are anonymised before they are seen by the Department.

  Student Barometer (SB)
Population Part IA, IB and IIA students
Timing Michaelmas Term (mid-November-early December)
Purpose Tracking and comparing the decision-making, expectations, perceptions and intentions of students from application to the end of the BA. 
Use of data within the University The Department’s Faculty Board and Teaching Committee will scrutinise the results to see whether changes that we’ve made in response to your feedback have been effective and to identify where further actions are needed. The results are also scrutinized by the University’s central bodies and any areas of concern are followed up with CUED. 
Use of data outside University The SB allows for both national and international benchmarking but the data will not be made publically available.
Result and action archive TBC


Last updated on 28/10/2020 15:21