Module Leader
Prof M Smith
Lab Leader
Prof M Smith
Timing and Structure
Michaelmas term. 12 lectures + 2 examples classes + coursework. Assessment: 75% exam/25% coursework
3F1 and 3F2 useful
The aims of the course are to:
- establish for the students a fundamental approach to the design of linear control systems.
As specific objectives, by the end of the course students should be able to:
- understand the role and importance of feedback for the control of uncertain dynamical systems.
- demonstrate the information conveyed via root locus diagrams for transient behaviour and basic frequency response analysis using Nyquist (polar) and Bode plots.
- following its basic derivation, illustrate the use of the Nyquist stability criterion with both open loop stable and open loop unstable systems;
- understand factors which limit achievable performance in feedback systems.
- use analytical tools to understand trade-offs (e.g. Bode gain/phase relations, sensitivity integrals).
- translate general requirements for robustness and performance into specifications on the open-loop frequency response.
- use computer software for simple control system design and system simulation
- design simple compensators to achieve such specifications.
Control system design (11L)
- System dynamics, stability and instability, principles and use of root locus plots, derivation of Nyquist stability criterion, Bode theorems and plots.
- Design of simple P.I.D. controllers and phase compensators. Sensitivity, complementary sensitivity and SISO robustness. Non-minimum phase systems and limitations, bandwidth. Delays in systems.
- Two degree of freedom design.
Introduction to Coursework (1L)
Case studies and simulation.
Case studies and design by simulation and computer software, e.g. use of Matlab. Four hours DPO time plus report (further four hours).
Coursework | Format |
Due date & marks |
[Coursework activity #1 title / Interim] Coursework 1 brief description Learning objective: |
Individual/group Report / Presentation [non] anonymously marked |
day during term, ex: Thu week 3 [xx/60] |
[Coursework activity #2 title / Final] Coursework 2 brief description Learning objective: |
Individual Report anonymously marked |
Wed week 9 [xx/60] |
Please see the Booklist for Group F Courses for references for this module.
Examination Guidelines
Please refer to Form & conduct of the examinations.
This syllabus contributes to the following areas of the UK-SPEC standard:
Toggle display of UK-SPEC areas.
Last modified: 17/05/2018 14:18