Timing and Structure
Fridays 9-11am plus afternoons, and Tuesdays 11-1pm
The aims of the course are to:
- To introduce you to the basic principles of heat exchanger design.
- To compare predicted with actual performance and hence understand the limitations of heat transfer correlations.
- To give you experience in the production of workshop drawings and the problems of manufacture and assembly to such drawings.
- To demonstrate that different 'optimal' designs can arise from the same brief.
Heat exchangers are found virtually everywhere, from domestic heaters to exotic space applications. This project involves the design, construction and testing of a small shell-and-tube heat exchanger. It spans the whole process of product development, from the conception and sizing using basic theory, to the manufacturing, assembly, and final testing.
Students will work in groups of two to undetake the initial design. The groups will then be paired, into groups of four who will then finalise the choice of design. The interim report will describe both the initial pairs design and the final group of fours design. The interim report will include the theory and drawings and carries a large proportion of the total marks.
This project is front loaded. Weeks 1 and 2 require a lot of work. Weeks 3 and 4 are light.
Week 1
At the start of the project you will learn about the fundamentals of heat exchangers, using a poorly-designed heat exchanger as an example in the mini-lecture. You will develop your own computer-based design tool, which you will use to select an optimal configuration. The majority of groups use Python, although some have used Excel and Matlab, prior experience is helpful here.
Week 2
In the second week, you will refine your design in line with the workshop's manufacturing capabilities and your assembly capabilities. Clever engineering at this stage can greatly simplify assembly and improve off-design performance. At the end of the week you will produce detailed manufacturing drawings and an interim report.
Week 3
In the third week you will work out the off-design performance of your heat exchanger and use your computer-based design tool to assess other groups' designs. This feeds into your final reports. Meanwhile, the workshops will be machining parts to your manufacturing drawings and giving feedback on your designs.
Week 4
In the final week you will assemble your heat exchangers. On test day, all groups test their heat exchangers together. The project finishes with a comparison of all heat exchangers and a glamorous prize ceremony.
Coursework | Due date | Marks |
Interim report
27 (Group of 4: 80% individual 20% group) |
Performance Report |
13 (Group of 4: 80% individual 20% group) |
Final Report |
10 (Group of 4: 80% individual 20% group) |
Project skills, technical skills and initiative |
20 (60% individual 40% group) |
Final machine performance | 10 (100% Group) |
Examination Guidelines
Please refer to Form & conduct of the examinations.
Last modified: 27/11/2023 09:44