Module Leader
Prof G Madabhushi, Prof S Guest and Dr JP Talbot
Timing and Structure
Lent term. 12 lectures + coursework. Assessment: 75% exam/25% coursework
3D7, 3D2 and 3D4 useful
The aims of the course are to:
- introduce the behaviour and design of civil engineering structures subjected to time-varying loads.
- introduce earthquake-resistant design, dynamic soil-structure interaction, machine foundation design, blast effects on structures and the fundamentals of wind engineering.
As specific objectives, by the end of the course students should be able to:
- identify cases where a static model of a structure is inadequate, and a dynamic model should be used
- produce a simple estimate of the natural frequency and fundamental natural mode of any linear-elastic structure.
- estimate linear-elastic spring parameters for a given foundation.
- compute the natural frequencies and natural modes of structures using the ABAQUS package and include simple soil models to account for soil-structure interaction.
- estimate the response of complex linear-elastic structures to earthquakes using modal superposition and the response spectrum.
- use elastic and inelastic design spectra, and to understand their form.
- perform simple designs for vibration isolation.
- perform simplified soil stiffness calculations accounting for partial liquefaction, and to use this approach in simple liquefaction resistant designs.
- describe some standard methods of seismic-resistant structural design.
- describe blast processes and their effects on structures.
- appreciate the factors involved in the estimation of wind climates and of structural response to wind.
- understand the various measures that characterise atmospheric turbulence.
- anticipate the circumstances under which aeroelastic phenomena may be problematic.
- estimate the dynamic response of a tall structure in a given wind environment
Structural dynamics (3L, Dr James Talbot)
Linear Elastic dynamics
á Introduction to dynamic loads in Civil Engineering; dynamic amplification factors.
á Approximate single-degree-of-freedom analysis of complex structures; sway frames; structures with distributed mass.
á Rayleigh's principle; natural frequency of simple systems using energy methods.
á Linear models to represent structures and their relevance; analysis in frequency domain; mode superposition method.
á Modal analysis of vibration; use of finite element packages.
Application of dynamics in Civil Engineering Structures :
Soil-Structure Interaction (3L,Prof G Madabhushi)
Non-linear Systems
á Sources of nonlinearity in structures and foundations
Soils during earthquakes
á Earthquake loading on structures; response and design spectra;
á Structures subject to ground motion; deformations due to lateral accelerations; Newmark's sliding block analysis; concept of threshold acceleration
á Foundations effects; stiffness of soil foundation and soil-structure interaction;
á Pore pressure build-up during earthquakes; partial liquefaction; degradation in soil stiffness; non-linear soil models.
á Liquefaction resistant design, simple examples.
Earthquakes Effects on Structures and Seismic resistant design (3L, Prof F.A. McRobie)
Response Spectrum Analysis for Earthquakes
á Introduction to Response Spectrum Analysis
á Earthquake Spectra and Design Spectra, Design of linear systems
á Non-linear Response Spectrum Analysis, Ductility in Structures
Seismic Resistant Design
á Structural design and detailing considerations.
Wind Engineering and Blast Resistant Design (3L, Prof F.A. McRobie)
Wind loading
á Nature of wind;
á Wind forces on structures.
á Response of structures to buffetting.
á Aeroelasticity. Fluid-structure interaction (vortex-shedding, galloping and flutter). Long-span bridge case study.
Blast Loading
á Physics of blasts; blast effects on structures; blast-resistant design.
Seismic analysis of an existing tall building using the ABAQUS finite element package and a study of the effect of foundation softening on the overall structural response. Total time 8 hours.
Coursework | Format |
Due date & marks |
Coursework Activity 1 Learning objective:
Individual Report anonymously marked |
4.00pm, 19 Feb 2020 on Moodle 10 out of 25 marks |
Coursework Activity 2 Learning objective:
Individual Report anonymously marked |
4.00pm, 16 March 2020 on Moodle 15 out of 25 marks |
Please refer to the Booklist for Part IIB Courses for references to this module, this can be found on the associated Moodle course.
Examination Guidelines
Please refer to Form & conduct of the examinations.
Last modified: 30/05/2023 15:29